Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Society: Movements: Women's Movement:

Society: Movements:

G e n e r a l   H i s t o r y

[Site] General

I. Author Index


II. Speaker Index

[Info] Brownmiller, Susan, et al. »»Against Our Will. Men, Women and Rape« 1975-2015: A Book and its Impact.« 'Against Our Will' - Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

A f r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Liberian History

I. Author Index

[Info] Medie, Peace A. »Fighting Gender-Based Violence: The Women's Movement and the Enforcement of Rape Law in Liberia.« African Affairs (June 19, 2013).

II. Speaker Index


A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Argentine History

I. Author Index

[Info] Pereira, Fernanda A., et al. »As violências sexuais e de gênero e a justiça de transição no Brasil e na Argentina: Uma análise comparativa dos movimentos de mulheres em cada país.« L'Ordinaire des Amériques No. 222 (2017).

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Milanesio, Natalia. »Argentine Feminists against Sexual Violence in theReturn to Democracy (1983-1990).« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023.

[Site] Brazilian History

I. Author Index

[Info] Pereira, Fernanda A., et al. »As violências sexuais e de gênero e a justiça de transição no Brasil e na Argentina: Uma análise comparativa dos movimentos de mulheres em cada país.« L'Ordinaire des Amériques No. 222 (2017).

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Canadian History

I. Author Index

[Info] Anderson, Gillian L. Feminist Resistance in the GTA: Stories of Feminist Struggle, Resistance and Success During the Harris Years (1995-2001). Ph.D. Thesis, McMaster University, 2014.

[Info] Fraser, Jennifer. Claims-Making in Context: Forty Years of Canadian Feminist Activism on Violence Against Women. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ottawa, 2014.

[Info] Sinclair, Deborah A. A Living History (1973-1993). How the Experiences of Early Activists Shaped the Violence Against Women (VAW) Movement in Ontario: A Case Study. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 2019.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Mexican History

I. Author Index

[Info] Cabrera García, Elisa. Militancia feminista, fenómenos culturales y violencia de género en México: Una historia visual (1970-2002). Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Granada, 2023.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] U.S. History

Organizations: National Alliance of Black Feminists, National Black Feminist Organization National Organization for Women, Women Organized Against Rape

I. Author Index

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. »"He Said, She Said": Popular Representations of Sexual Harassment and Second-Wave Feminism.«; Disco Divas: Women and Popular Culture in the 1970s. Edited by Sherrie A. Inness. Philadelphia 2003: 39-53.

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. »How Did Diverse Activists in the Second Wave of the Women's Movement Shape Emerging Public Policy on Sexual Harassment?« Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 9 (2005).

[Info] Baker, Carrie N. The Women's Movement Against Sexual Harassment. Cambridge 2008.

[Info] Barnett, Pamela E. Dangerous Desire: Literature of Sexual Freedom and Sexual Violence since the Sixties. London 2004.

[Info] Bevacqua, Maria. »Reconsidering Violence Against Women: Coalition Politics in the Antirape Movement.« Feminist Coalitions: Historical Perspectives on Second-Wave Feminism in the United States. Edited by Stephanie Gilmore. Urbana 2008: 163-177.

[Info] Bumiller, Kristin. In an Abusive State: How Neoliberalism Appropriated the Feminist Movement against Sexual Violence. Durham 2008.

[Info] Cobble, Dorothy S., et al. Feminism Unfinished: A Short, Surprising History of American Women's Movements. New York 2014.

[Info] Dietze, Gabriele. Weiße Frauen in Bewegung. Genealogien und Konkurrenzen von Race- und Genderpolitiken. Bielefeld 2013.

[Info] Donat, Patricia L.N., et al. »A Feminist Redefinition of Rape and Sexual Assault: Historical Foundations and Change.« Journal of Social Issues 48 (1992): 9-22.

[Info] Feulner, Megan E. "Women Have the Right to Fight!" The Contested Legacy of Second-Wave Feminism and Anti-Rape Politics in the Trials of Inez Garcia, 1974-1977. M.A. Thesis, City University of New York, 2014.

[Info] Fosbery, Fallon G. »The Sexual Revolution Within the Second Wave Feminist Movement.« Dialogues 1 (2019).

[Info] Isenberg, Nancy. »Women's Rights Movements.« The Oxford Companion to United States History. Edited by Paul S. Boyer. Oxford 2001: 835-837.

[Info] Jacquet, Catherine O. Responding to Rape: Contesting the Meanings of Sexual Violence in the United States, 1950-1980. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012.

[Info] Jacquet, Catherine O. The Injustices of Rape: How Activists Responded to Sexual Violence, 1950-1980. Chapel Hill 2019.

[Info] Neely, Angela M. "What's Race Got To Do With It?": A Feminist Analysis of Anti-Rape Discourse from Susan Brownmiller and Angela Davis to the Modern Feminist Blogosphere. Senior Independent Study Thesis, College of Wooster, 2014.

[Info] Rutherford, Alexandra, et al. »From Social Purity to Women's Liberation: A History of Violence against Women in the United States.« Violence against Girls and Women: International Perspectives. Vol. 1. Edited by Janet A. Sigal et al. Santa Barbara 2013: 5-20.

[Info] Valentich, Mary, et al. »Ideological Perspectives on the Sexual Assault of Women.« Social Service Review 58 (1984): 448-461.

[Info] Valk, Anne M. Radical Sisters: Second-Wave Feminism and Black Liberation in Washington, D.C. Urbana 2008.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Baker, Carrie. »Violence against Women or Economic Discrimination? Differing Representations of Sexual Harassment in the Second Wave Women's Movement.« Annual Conference of the National Women's Studies Association. Las Vegas 2002.

[Info] Murphy, Meghan, et al. »Interview with Astrid Henry - Feminism Unfinished.« Feminist Current. rabble podcast network 2014.

A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Indian History

I. Author Index

[Info] Patel, Vibhuti. »Campaign against Rape by Women's Movement in India.« Deportate, Esuli e Profughe No. 24 (2014): 36-47.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Korean History

I. Author Index

[Info] Ahn, Mihyang. Revitalizing Movement Identity: The Case of the Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center in South Korea, 1991-2006. M.A. Thesis, University of Hawai'i, 2007.

[Info] Kern, Thomas, et al. »The Korean Comfort Women Movement and the Formation of a Public Sphere in East Asia.« Korea Yearbook (2009): 227-255.

[Info] Na-Young, Lee. »The Korean Women's Movement of Japanese Military "Comfort Women": Navigating between Nationalism and Feminism.« The Review of Korean Studies 17 (2014): 71-92.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Yamashita, Yeong-Ae. »What does a sincere apology for the former "comfort women" look like?« 17th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities. Hempstead 2017.

[Site] Philippine History

I. Author Index

[Info] Roces, Mina. Women's Movements and the Filipina, 1986-2008. Honolulu 2012.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Turkish History

I. Author Index

[Info] Gözaydin, Istar. »Adding Injury To Injury: The Case of Rape and Prostitution in Turkey.« Evil, Law and the State: Perspectives on State Power and Violence. Edited by John T. Parry. Amsterdam 2006: 59-70.

II. Speaker Index


E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] English History

I. Author Index

[Info] Gurun, Anna. Second-Wave Feminist Approaches to Sexuality in Britain and France, c.1970 - c.1983. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Dundee, 2015.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] French History

I. Author Index

[Info] Bourg, Julian. From Revolution to Ethics: May 1968 and Contemporary French Thought. Montreal 2007.

[Info] Bourg, Julian. From Revolution to Ethics: May 1968 and Contemporary French Thought. Montreal 2017.

[Info] Gurun, Anna. Second-Wave Feminist Approaches to Sexuality in Britain and France, c.1970 - c.1983. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Dundee, 2015.

II. Speaker Index


[Site] Swedish History

I. Author Index

[Info] Miller, Stuart. Recognising Men's Violence as Political: An Analysis of the Swedish Feminist Movement and Its Interaction with the State. Master's Thesis, Lunds Universitet, 2013.

II. Speaker Index


O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

Organizations: Women Against Rape

[Site] New Zealand History

I. Author Index

[Info] Vanderpyl, Jane. Aspiring for unity and equality: Dynamics of conflict and change in the 'by women for women' feminist service groups, Aotearoa/New Zealand (1970-1999). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Auckland, 2004.

II. Speaker Index
